Those wonderful fellas at Manchester's Lass O'Gowrie pub are treating us to a bit of a knees up in celebration of the half-century anniversary of Britain's longest running 'continuing drama' (or soap to you and me), Coronation Street.
Intended as the showpiece of a week-long celebration of this northern institution, CorrieFest culminates in a one day Corrie ‘not for profit’ convention, with proceeds going to charity, on December 12th, to be held in one of Manchester’s iconic, and award-winning, pubs “The Lass O Gowrie” from 10am-11pm.
The event has already been backed by Corrie Producer Phil Collinson who will be in attendance on the day, together with Casting Director June West and Director Graeme Harper, whilst celebrated rock photographer Karen McBride has agreed to be our official photographer for the day.
They are currently awaiting confirmation from a number of guests and to catch up on the latest announcements you should pop over to CorrieFest’s Facebook page
Tickets for the day cost £9.95 and are available from We Got Tickets
Which charities are being supported?
All profit from the tickets sales will be donated to charity and if you would like to do an autograph or book signing on the day they are asking all ticket holders to make a donation for this.
Charities that CorrieFest have agreed to support to date include;
• The Teenage Cancer Trust Unit at Christie Hospital; and
• The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (
If you are involved in a particular charity and think CorrieFest could link it in then please get in touch as they’d be happy to help your cause, with a cut of the door monies after costs and/or bespoke auction items.
The Lass O’Gowrie
36 Charles Street
M1 7DB
T: 0161 2736932
Key festival contacts; Gareth Kavanagh (07748103698), Fish (0161 2736932) or Lisa Davies (0161 2736932).
What will be happening in the lead-up to the event?
A programme of smaller events is anticipated in the build-up to the Sunday event, encompassing screenings of key episodes during the big week (including the live episode on Thursday, December 9th), archive programing, themed stand-up comedy and kitchen sink drama performed in our in-house drama studio.
One show CorrieFest are delighted to announce is the brilliant Deirdre and Me, a play by Rachael Halliwell which will be performed on Saturday, 11th December as a matinee and evening performance and on the evening of December 12th. Tickets will cost £5.00 a head and for details, please email Details as follows:
“The play: Susan White is 35. Average height. Average build. Average looks. In short, Susan is average. Luckily she has a very special best friend: Deirdre... From Coronation Street!! …
This multimedia one woman show presents with grace and wit the hilarious tragedy of loneliness and soap opera obsession.”Again, details as they get them, will be announced on CorrieFest’s Facebook page in the coming weeks.
What is happening on the day?
CorrieFest is currently in the planning stages and waiting for confirmation from key guests, but at present, the following schedule is available:
9am – Doors open
9:45am – Welcome from your MC – Manchester comedian and life-long Corrie fan, theonelikefish.
10:00am – Panel TBC
11am – ‘Six steps to perfection’ - Corrie fan and ex-Inside Soap Editor Mark Wright leads a discussion on Corrie’s first episode, and why is constitutes television gold.
11:45am – Corriespot 1. A short dramatic interlude from our in-house drama team.
12pm – ‘King of Corrie’ – Producer Phil Collinson in conversation with Charlie Ross, including a discussion magic moments and the challenges of producing Britain’s top rated soap. Followed by Q&A.
1pm – Corriespot 2. A short dramatic interlude from our in-house drama team.
1:15pm – Lunch. Grab a hotpot, gossip endlessly in the Snug!

2:30pm – ‘She’s just like my auntie!’ – Coronation Street Casting Director June West discusses the challenges of casting and creating iconic soap characters with Mark Wright, before considering just ‘who is the greatest Corrie character of all time’. Followed by Q&A.
3:30pm – Teabreak, and a personal love letter to Corrie from Manchester comedian and occasional Corrie performer, Louis ‘Big Lou’ Jones
4:00pm – ‘Trains, trams and kabins’ – Having overseen a number of Corrie’s most memorable scenes - from Roy and Hayley’s wedding to the big tram crash, Director Graeme Harper talks Brian Gorman through directing Corrie’s own disaster movie. Followed by Q&A.
5:00pm – Corriespot 3. A short comedic interlude from our in-house comedy team.
5:30pm – Final Panel (TBC).
6:45pm – Event close and final auction with MC Theonelikefish.
7pm – Pub open to all for disco and Karaoke, ‘til late!
And, of course the following will be happening throughout the day and evening;
• Use of the Snug as a gossipy space for chat and relaxing milk stout
• Fancy dress and character role-play
• Screening of vintage episodes throughout the day in the Salmon Rooms and Snug
• Themed food and drink available throughout the day, including local real ales, our iconic pies and Betty’s hotpot
Visit the Lass O'Gowrie to discover more about its award-winning Manchester hospitality, its ales and pies.
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