Between now and October, posting on Cathode Ray Tube will become less frequent. I will still contribute some reviews of books and television shows but updates will reduce to a couple of times per month. Scaling back the activity on here has become necessary as I find I now must take something of a sabbatical to work on a commission for a forthcoming book. It's not really possible for me to do that, maintain a full-time job and keep maintaining the blog with the current monthly review schedule.
In the meantime, I have reviews of The Avengers, The Plane Makers, The Corridor People and the three latest BBC Doctor Who novels waiting in the wings and you'll see those in the next week or two. I will also complete my reviews of the current series of Doctor Who with a double review of The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang over the weekend.
Cathode Ray Tube will also get a bit of re-vamp in the Autumn to celebrate it's third year and I hope to post some news here very soon about the book I'm working on.
And back to you in the studio...
Obviously I'm disappointed to find that I'll be seeing new material less often (well, after the upcoming spurt of reviews), but DELIGHTED to hear you have a book to work on, if its about any of the subjects you've demonstrated a passion for here then I'm sure it will be a cracker.
Thanks chas_m! I think the words 'Doctor' and 'Who' will best sum up what I'm writing. The blog will live on but I need time to write!
chuffed to hear you have something on, but thankfully not giving up the site as i only discovered it by accident a couple of months back after finding out thought on Ashes to Ashes as it rode to its finale.
Love reading your view of things as they are quite enlightening, keep up the good work and i look forward to your double Dr Who review.
Exciting news!!
Rob...indeed! Two years of blogging eventually pays off. I will get the details up as soon as I'm able.
For all concerned, the blog won't'll just slow down a bit. So keep signed in as followers here and on Twitter for updates.
I'd like to add my congratulations on the book, and pre-order a copy (and pre-order an autograph, for that matter).
Brilliant, sir, absolutely brilliant.
Thanks Dave! I just need to write the ruddy thing now.
You've got to write it now you've got all of us excited in anticipation of a good, new Doctor Who related read, Frank!
I too will miss the greater volume of reviews. They have really increased my understanding and enjoyment of programmes I have seen and it has also been very interesting and often thought provoking to read the reviews of things I will never choose to watch/read. So thanks.
You didn't review Life on Mars anywhere did you? I have just bought the DVDs as I didn't see it at the time and was very disappointed to realise there were no reviews of it on here!
Anyway, best of luck with the book.