Cathode Ray Tube is 2

Grumpy of Mayfair here! We are 2! Yes, 2. Damn it.

Cathode Ray Tube celebrates its 2nd birthday today. Now don't get all unnecessary. Richard Curtis is writing an episode of Doctor Who and that's enough unnecessariness for now.

It's been two years since this blog stumbled into existence and I suppose I'll have to be all jolly about that. Mmm. Not sure about that. Anyway, I raise my mug of cold tea to another year of blogging. I might, just might I say, even celebrate with a cake. Plus I could mention this is post 501 and 115,000 visitors have popped in. Many of them just borrow a cup of sugar or look for Mad Men torrents I hasten to add. And then there's that Japanese porn spammer. But some of you actually read and comment. Here's to you.

I suppose you'll want me to tell you what's forthcoming? Oh, go on then. As long as you promise to read this bloody rubbish then I'll try and carry on. In the next few weeks you'll get more reviews of the superb Mad Men and I'll finish off the Derek Jarman reviews and try and do a bit more on archive television, attempt a Hammer Films/horror films 101, do more Blu Ray reviews. Classic Doctor Who, the new specials, The Waters Of Mars, Nightmares Reign and The End Of Time will all no doubt bother these pages. And I really will do an update on library music.

Unfortunately this will have to be done without the aid of cloning. It might take a while. You might want to make a cuppa, dig the allotment or visit that massage parlour.

But I should not be too surly. My thanks go to you, dearest reader, and to the many friends who have along the way supported this blog or just simply pointed and said 'You can't say that!' and I simply will not be able to provide a roll call of you all but special thanks to Him Indoors ('you're not on the bloody laptop again!'), Tony Jordan and DWAS, the Three Who Rule over at Behind The Sofa, Laurence at Television Heaven, the Seadevils, Lucy, Graymalkin, Doc Occupant, Patrick, Rich, Barnaby, the lovely Camino Real and all friends over at Outpost Wrinkly and Gallifrey Base. They are legion. And they are ming-mong.

Much thanks to all the folk on Twitter who share, especially @andrewtibbs @kasterborous @faceofboe @kazters @ahremsee @dougggie @iainmhepburn @Grindrod @robstickler @MichaelBarley @capricorn_one @loveandgarbage @Fazzinchi @jenidh and many, many others!!!

Thanks to my mother, my dead pet cat Fluffy and that rugby player with whom...well, we won't go there.

To quote Lazz Grayson, 'Thanks for looking in. And I love you all.'

16 Responses to “Cathode Ray Tube is 2”
  1. chas_m says:

    Hurrah and general celebrations and peer-permission to get drunk and all that.

  2. Jason says:

    Happy Birthday CRT! :)

  3. LOL :-D

    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear bloooooooooog...
    Happy birthday to you!

    *makes the blog a cake*

  4. Thanks chas-m. Hick. I fink I've 'ad a bit too much ta drink..!

    Thanks to Lucy for cake and song. Nom, nom, nom says the blog.

    Thanks Jason and Dave. Much appreciated.

    Now, onwards and upwards!!!

  5. S Bates says:

    Happy second blogoversary!

    "I really will do an update on library music".

    What's library music? Is that like lift/elevator music only with less movement and more books?

    "my dead pet cat Fluffy"

    I also had a dead cat called Fluffy. Of course, he was alive at the time.

  6. I just discovered Merlin is back on September 19th! Why did no-one tell me?


  7. Happy birthday. Two years, that's brilliant.

  8. Thanks Shawn, Rob and Nimbus. Stay tuned.

    And many thanks to Thierry Attard for the 'quintessential' quote and for the kind mention on his own blog. C'est magnifique!

  9. Unknown says:

    Belated felicitations on both Cathode & Frank anniversaires.

    Remember way back when we used to share a numerically coded compuserve address at work? Ah Windows 3.1. I can hear the dial-up modem and the pigeons in the metal shafts behind the wall, with the wail of a Brixton siren or two, flicking through the stationery catalogue; retail therapy without spending our meagre wage. We bought our first shredder together and look at you now! Perfect platform for your vast knowledge, wit and writing skill. Keep on blogging. xxxx

  10. Oh, Jen.

    I think I've got something in my eye.


  11. Anonymous says:

    Happy belated birthday! :) This is my second visit and there will be plenty more over the coming year, so next time I will be able to say Happy Birthday on the right day :D

  12. Hello, Phil

    You come back now, you hear! You need to be here for the 3rd birthday celebrations. :D

  13. I missed your second birthday. How remiss of me. I have more cake here!

  14. Camino, your late cake is very welcome! One can never have enough cake.

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All written material is copyright © 2007-2023 Cathode Ray Tube and Frank Collins. Cathode Ray Tube is a not for profit publication primarily for review, research and comment. In the use of images and materials no infringement of the copyright held by their respective owners is intended. If you wish to quote material from this site please seek the author's permission.

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Cathode Ray Tube by Frank Collins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.