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To mark this little achievement the Cathode Ray Tube boffins have been feverishly working away in the back room, mostly with the light off and with no tea, to spruce up this august portal of the interweb. So, panic not if you try and visit and get told you haven't got the special password to get onto the blog (the boffins will be busy and don't want to spoil it for you) or you see the furniture disappear and the interior decoration suddenly goes all modern and swishy. Normal service will, I trust, be pretty much resumed by the weekend. The odd tweak here and there might be needed but the re-decorating should be completed. A sneak preview below....

See you on the other side!
Fifty thousand? Quite right too!
Congratulations, sir!
P.S. Ever read the Sandman comics?
Thanks Gray and Lucy!
No, Lucy I have to admit I haven't read the Sandman comics. Does this mean I'm now on the naughty step?
Just a heads up: The blog will be off-line from tomorrow as the boffins (i.e. me) set up the super-douper shiny version. I hope to have all the page elements sorted by Saturday.
You are on the nice step...
Just that Morpheus, the title character in the Sandman comics, is neither big nor hunky. Sorry to disappoint.
Oooo. Shiny! I like.
That's the spirit, Dave.
You're completely insane y'know Frank.
It's a remarkable achievment actually; your blog both looks and feels professional. Keep up the good work old chap!
Thank you friends, thank you most sincerely...
Whoa! How awesome does this place look now? Stunning man.
Better still, I have a button. Wow look at my button it's great!
Good work Frank, it looks well smart.
Thanks, Rob.
How could I not give you a button!
Things still to sort out but it's settling down nicely and reactions have been positive.