Richard Evans launches his latest android thriller, Exilium (Figo Books), addressing questions around scientific progress, slavery and the nature of humanity.

Richard Evans is also the author of the futuristic thrillers Machine Nation and Robophobia. He has received several Writer's Bursary and Individual Artist Awards from Arts Council England. He has also contributed the short stories Half Life and Touch Sensitive to the anthologies The Flash and the Perverted By Language. As part of the research process for his work, he has twice visited the Humanoid Robotics Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well the Intelligent Robotics Lab at the University of Osaka in Japan.

Richard will be reading extracts from his new book over at The Northern, Tib Street, Manchester on Friday 24th October, 5.30pm. It's free so pop along and introduce yourself. And why not visit Richard's blog Uncanny Valley where you can download podcasts and get exclusive micro-stories via his Exilium mobile website.

Thanks to Manchester Literature Festival and Richard Evans for the details.

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