A brief continuity announcement. A word of welcome to what I hope will be an entertaining trawl through my cultural habits. The origin for this blog can be found at www.gallifreyone.com where for some time I've been posting reviews of old and new 'Doctor Who' episodes. You'll get a chance to revisit those reviews here, all spruced up for a discerning readership, as well as random thoughts and ramblings on what I've been watching, reading and listening to each week. Feels like I'm inviting you into my living room? You betcha. Enjoy and feel free to comment, argue or just say hello. And play nice, now...
Just as a guide, you'll see waxings of the lyrical kind about old telly posted as OUT OF THE ARCHIVE; hot off the press...er keyboard...thoughts on 21st Century telly posted as NOW SURFING; films old and new reviewed at SUNDAY FOR SEVEN DAYS; books, magazines and other printed delights as A BOOK AT BEDTIME with music and other audio in the SOUND BOOTH. You'll get the drift. I'm new to all this blogging lark so be gentle whilst all this beds in.
Director General
- Frank Collins
- Freelance writer and film and television researcher (for hire). He has contributed to a number of DVD and Blu-ray releases, magazines, books and websites about archive television and cinema including work for Moviemail, Frame Rated, Arrow Video and Indicator. Publications include The Black Archives #62: Kinda (2022) and #31: Warriors' Gate (2019), I.B Tauris's 'Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour - A Critical Celebration of the Matt Smith and Steven Moffat Era' (2013) and 'Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens' (2010).
- Adventures in Prime Time
- Blogtor Who
- British Television Drama
- Cardigans & Tweed
- Dean
- Doctor Who Appreciation Society
- Doctor Who News
- Feeling Listless
- Frame Rated
- from the north...
- Green Carnation Prize
- Jason Arnopp
- John Grindrod
- Jonathan Melville
- Ka-os Theory
- Lady Don't Fall Backwards
- Letterboxd
- Life of Wylie
- Life on Magrs
- Narrative Drive
- Screenonline
- Television Heaven
- The Custard TV
- The Digital Bits
- The Fan Can
- The Medium is Not Enough
- Thierry Attard's Double Feature
- TV Lover
The Book(s) What I Wrote
"Merits attention from Doctor Who fans interested in the development of a script by going deep into the story’s genesis and shifts in tone, and the infamous production difficulties which plagued it. The glimpses of Steve Gallagher’s original scripts are fascinating, as are the changes made to them by seemingly everyone from directors to producers to cast members." We Are Cult. 17 June 2019.
DOCTOR WHO: THE ELEVENTH HOUR (2014)"Whether you’re a fan of the show under Moffat or not, it offers an intriguing, insightful look at all aspects of the series" 7/10 - Starburst, January 2014
DOCTOR WHO: THE PANDORICA OPENS (2010)"A worthy addition to serious texts on Doctor Who" - Doctor Who Magazine 431, February 2011
"an impressive work, imbued with so much analytical love and passion, and is an absolute must-read for any fan" N. Blake - Amazon 4/5 stars
"...mixes the intellectual and the emotional very well...it's proper media criticism" 9/10 - The Medium Is Not Enough
"... an up-to-date guide that isn’t afraid to shy away from the more controversial aspects of the series" 8/10 - Total SciFi Online
"...well-informed new angles on familiar episodes... this is a great read from start to finish" - Bertie Fox - Amazon 4/5 stars
"Frank Collins has produced a book that is fiercely idiosyncratic, displays a wide-ranging intellect the size of a planet, but which is also endearingly open and inclusive in its desire to share its expansive knowledge..." 4/5 - Horrorview.com
"The book is great! It makes you think, it makes you work. It encourages you to go back and watch the series with a whole new perspective..." - G.R. Bundy's Blog: Telly Stuff And Things
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