And now on CRT...

A brief continuity announcement. A word of welcome to what I hope will be an entertaining trawl through my cultural habits. The origin for this blog can be found at where for some time I've been posting reviews of old and new 'Doctor Who' episodes. You'll get a chance to revisit those reviews here, all spruced up for a discerning readership, as well as random thoughts and ramblings on what I've been watching, reading and listening to each week. Feels like I'm inviting you into my living room? You betcha. Enjoy and feel free to comment, argue or just say hello. And play nice, now...

Just as a guide, you'll see waxings of the lyrical kind about old telly posted as OUT OF THE ARCHIVE; hot off the keyboard...thoughts on 21st Century telly posted as NOW SURFING; films old and new reviewed at SUNDAY FOR SEVEN DAYS; books, magazines and other printed delights as A BOOK AT BEDTIME with music and other audio in the SOUND BOOTH. You'll get the drift. I'm new to all this blogging lark so be gentle whilst all this beds in.

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The Legal Bit

All written material is copyright © 2007-2023 Cathode Ray Tube and Frank Collins. Cathode Ray Tube is a not for profit publication primarily for review, research and comment. In the use of images and materials no infringement of the copyright held by their respective owners is intended. If you wish to quote material from this site please seek the author's permission.

Creative Commons License
Cathode Ray Tube by Frank Collins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.