BERNARD BRADEN: Interview with Quentin Crisp

Thanks to Crisperanto for the link to this fantastic archive interview from the BFI's You Tube Channel. This is one of Bernard Braden's Now And Then interviews from 1968. A selection of these made their way to a Channel 5 series last year I believe and the BFI currently looks after all of the existing footage that Braden shot. Some of the interviews have been released as extra features on their Flipside DVDs.

Thanks to the BFI.

This is a fascinating and respectful interview with Crisp. Braden asks some very interesting questions.
The DVD of The Naked Civil Servant, the book that Braden asks about at the beginning of the interview, has just been re-released by Network and the DVD of An Englishman In New York has also just been released by ITVDVD. Both essential purchases.

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